Peer Reviewed Publications
Winkler, J. ; Barai, M.; Tomassone, M.S.; "Dual drug loaded biodegradable Janus particles for simultaneous codelivery of hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds" ( submitted to Experimental Biology and Medicine, under review)
Shen, Y., Borghard, W. & Tomassone, M. S. Scale-up of Dry Impregnation Process Powder Technology; Submitted (Under review) (2018).
Shen, Y., Borghard, W. & Tomassone, M. S. Simulations and experiments of Metal Impregnation in Catalytic Particles. Powder Technology; Submitted (Under review) (2018).
Smith, K. B. & Tomassone, M. S. Core-shell Graphene/Silicon Nanoparticles for use as Lithium-ion Battery Anodes. Langmuir; Submitted (Under Review) (2018)
Clark, M. D., Morris, K. & Tomassone, M. S. Correlation of the Solubility with the Metastable Limit of Nucleation Using Gauge-Cell Monte Carlo Simulations. Langmuir 33, 9081-9090, August 2017 (2017).
Smith, K. B. & Tomassone, M. S. Ultra-Thin Hollow Graphene Oxide Membranes for use as Nanoparticle-Carriers. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 33, 3765-3775 (2017).
Shen, Y., Borghard, W. & Tomassone, M. S. Discrete Element Method Simulations and Experiments of Dry Catalyst Impregnation in a Double Cone Blender. Powder Technology 318, 23-32 (2017).
Garbuzenko, O. B., Winkler, J., Tomassone, M. S. & Minko, T. Biodegradable Janus Nanoparticles for Local Pulmonary Delivery of Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Molecules to the Lungs. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 30, 12941-12949, doi:10.1021/1a502144z (2014).
Tomasini, M. D., Zablocki, K., Petersen, L. K., Moghe, P. V. & Tomassone, M. S. Coarse Grained Molecular Dynamics of Engineered Macromolecules for the Inhibition of Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Uptake by Macrophage Scavenger Receptors. Biomacromolecules 14, 2499-2509, doi:10.1021/bm301764x (2013).
Zhu, W. S., Romanski, F. S., Dalvi, S. V., Dave, R. N. & Tomassone, M. S. Atomistic simulations of aqueous griseofulvin crystals in the presence of individual and multiple additives. Chemical Engineering Science 73, 218-230, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2012.01.008 (2012).
Tomasini, M. D. & Tomassone, M. S. Dissipative particle dynamics simulation of poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(ethyl ethylene) block copolymer properties for enhancement of cell membrane rupture under stress. Chemical Engineering Science 71, 400-408, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2011.10.061 (2012).
Romanski, F. S., Winkler, J. S., Riccobene, R. C. & Tomassone, M. S. Production and Characterization of Anisotropic Particles from Biodegradable Materials. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 28, 3756-3765, doi:10.1021/la2044834 (2012).
Romanski, F. S., Dubey, A., Chester, A. W. & Tomassone, M. S. Dry catalyst impregnation in a double cone blender: A computational and experimental analysis. Powder Technology, Special Issue, 221, 57-69, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2011.12.018 (2012).
Zhu, W. S., Romanski, F. S., Meng, X. X., Mitra, S. & Tomassone, M. S. Atomistic simulation study of surfactant and polymer interactions on the surface of a fenofibrate crystal. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 42, 452-461, doi:10.1016/j.ejps.2011.01.009 (2011).
Romanski, F. S., Jayjock, E., Muzzio, F. J. & Tomassone, M. S. Important Factors in the Size Reduction of Polymer-Stabilized Drug Particle Suspensions Using High-Pressure Homogenization. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation 6, 97-106, doi:10.1007/s12247-011-9107-5 (2011).
Mendez, R., Romanski, F. S. & Tomassone, M. S. Density behavior of cohesive granular materials. Powder Technology 211, 189-198, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2010.11.024 (2011).
Tomasini, M. D., Rinaldi, C. & Tomassone, M. S. Molecular dynamics simulations of rupture in lipid bilayers; . Experimental Biology and Medicine 232, 181-188 (2010).
Pingali, K. C., Tomassone, M. S. & Muzzio, F. J. Effects of Shear and Electrical Properties on Flow Characteristics of Pharmaceutical Blends. Aiche Journal 56, 570-583, doi:10.1002/aic.12047 (2010).
Faqih, A. N., Chaudhuri, B., Mehrotra, A., Tomassone, M. S. & Muzzio, F. Constitutive model to predict flow of cohesive powders in bench scale hoppers. Chemical Engineering Science 65, 3341-3351, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.02.028 (2010).
Chaudhuri, B., Muzzio, F. J. & Tomassone, M. S. Experimentally validated computations of heat transfer in granular materials in rotary calciners. Powder Technology 198, 6-15, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2009.09.024 (2010).
Mehrotra, A., Chaudhuri, B., Faqih, A., Tomassone, M. S. & Muzzio, F. J. A modeling approach for understanding effects of powder flow properties on tablet weight variability. Powder Technology 188, 295-300, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2008.05.016 (2009).
Vishnyakov, A., Shen, Y. Y. & Tomassone, M. S. Interactions of silica nanoparticles in supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of Chemical Physics 129, doi:10.1063/1.2994714 (2008).
Vishnyakov, A., Shen, Y. & Tomassone, M. S. Solvation Forces Between Silica Bodies in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 24, 13420-13425, doi:10.1021/la8010508 (2008).
Portillo, P. M. et al. Quality by Design Methodology for Development and Scale-Up of Batch Mixing Processes, Innov 3: DOI 10. 1007s122470089048 9, 258-270 (2008).
Faqih, A. N., Alexander, A. W., Muzzio, F. J. & Tomassone, M. S. A method for predicting hopper flow characteristics of pharmaceutical powders. Chemical Engineering Science 62, 1536-1542, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.06.027 (2007).
Li, T., Li, B. & Tomassone, M. S. Surface characterization of aspirin crystal planes using molecular dynamics simulations. Chemical Engineering Science 61, 5159-5169, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.03.022 (2006).
Goyal, R. K. & Tomassone, M. S. Power-law and exponential segregation in two-dimensional silos of granular mixtures. Physical Review E 74, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.74.051301 (2006).
27. Faqih, A. et al. Flow-induced dilation of cohesive granular materials. Aiche Journal 52, 4124-4132, doi:10.1002/aic.11014 (2006).
28. Faqih, A. et al. An experimental/computational approach for examining unconfined cohesive powder flow. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 324, 116-127 (2006).
29. Dubey, A., Mavroidis, C. & Tomassone, M. S. Molecular dynamic studies of viral-protein based nano-actuators. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 3, 885-897, doi:10.1166/jctn.2006.005 (2006).
30. Chaudhuri, B., Muzzio, F. J. & Tomassone, M. S. Modeling of heat transfer in granular flow in rotating vessels. Chemical Engineering Science 61, 6348-6360, doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.05.034 (2006).
31. Chaudhuri, B., Mehrotra, A., Muzzio, F. J. & Tomassone, M. S. Cohesive effects in powder mixing in a tumbling blender. Powder Technology 165, 105-114, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2006.04.001 (2006).
32. Alexander, A. W. et al. Avalanching flow of cohesive powders. Powder Technology 164, 13-21, doi:10.1016/j.powtec.2006.01.017 (2006).
33. Tomassone, M. S., Chaudhuri, B., Faqih, A., Mehrotra, A. & Muzzio, F. J. DEM Simulations for fundamental process understanding. Pharmaceutical Technology 29, S28-S35 (2005). Get article from this link: http://www.pharmtech.com/discrete-element-simulation-fundamental-process-understanding
34. Shen, Y. Y., Couzis, A., Koplik, J., Maldarelli, C. & Tomassone, M. S. Molecular dynamics study of the influence of surfactant structure on surfactant-facilitated spreading of droplets on solid surfaces. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 21, 12160-12170, doi:10.1021/la051354c (2005).
35. Sharma, G. et al. Kinematics and workspace analysis of protein based nano-actuators. Journal of Mechanical Design 127, 718-727, doi:10.1115/1.1900751 (2005).
36. Dubey, A. et al. Computational Studies of Viral Protein Nano-Actuators. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 1, 18-28, doi:10.1166/jctn.2003.003 (2004).
37. Tomassone, M. S., Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C. M., Banavar, J. R. & Koplik, J. Molecular dynamics simulation of gaseous-liquid phase transitions of soluble and insoluble surfactants at a fluid interface. Journal of Chemical Physics 115, 8634-8642, doi:10.1063/1.1398077 (2001).
38. Tomassone, M. S., Couzis, A., Maldarelli, C., Banavar, J. R. & Koplik, J. Phase transitions of soluble surfactants at a liquid-vapor interface. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 17, 6037-6040, doi:10.1021/la0103113 (2001).
39. Widom, A., Tomassone, M. S., Srivastava, Y. N. & Hannout, M. Net charge on a noble-gas atom adsorbed on a metallic surface. Physical Review B 62, 16085-16091, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.62.16085 (2000).
40. Sokoloff, J. B., Tomassone, M. S. & Widom, A. Strongly temperature dependent sliding friction for a superconducting interface. Physical Review Letters 84, 515-517, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.515 (2000).
41. Tomassone, M. S. & Sokoloff, J. B. Effects of defects on friction for a Xe film sliding on Ag(111). Physical Review B 60, 4005-4017, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.60.4005 (1999).
42. Sokoloff, J. B. & Tomassone, M. S. Effects of surface defects on friction for a thin solid film sliding over a solid surface. Physical Review B 57, 4888-4894, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.57.4888 (1998).
43. Tomassone, M. S. & Widom, A. Electronic friction forces on molecules moving near metals. Physical Review B 56, 4938-4943, doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.56.4938 (1997).
44. Tomassone, M. S. & Widom, A. Friction forces on charges moving outside of a conductor due to Ohm's law heating inside of a conductor. American Journal of Physics 65, 1181-1183, doi:10.1119/1.18770 (1997).
45. Tomassone, M. S., Sokoloff, J. B., Widom, A. & Krim, J. Dominance of phonon friction for a xenon film an a silver (111) surface. Physical Review Letters 79, 4798-4801, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.79.4798 (1997).
46. Tomassone, M. S. & Krim, J. Fractal scaling behavior of water flow patterns on inhomogeneous surfaces. Physical Review E 54, 6511-6515, doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.54.6511 (1996).
47. Cuerno, R., Makse, H. A., Tomassone, S., Harrington, S. T. & Stanley, H. E. Stochastic model for surface erosion via ion sputtering - Dynamical evolution from ripple morphology to rough morphology. Physical Review Letters 75, 4464-4467, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.75.4464 (1995).
Book Chapters
48. Winkler JS, Romanski FS, Tomassone MS*. Synthesis of Janus Particles for Biomedical Applications. Recent Developments in Biotechnology Vol 8: Drug Delivery Novel Drug Delivery (Eds.) Bhupinder Singh and OP Katare. Studium Press LLC; 2014. p. 143-72.
49. Dubey, A. & Tomassone, M. S. Viral Protein Nano-Actuators: Computational Studies of Bio-nanomachines. Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science 11, 46-49 (2009).
Conference Proceedings
50. Cuerno, R., Makse, H. A., Tomassone, S., Harrington, S. T. & Stanley, H. E. in Disordered Materials and Interfaces Vol. 407 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings (eds H. Z. Cummins, D. J. Durian, D. L. Johnson, & H. E. Stanley) 307-312 (Materials Research Soc, 1996).
51. Dubey, A. et al. in Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show. 7-11 (Proceedings of the Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show).
52. Dubey, A. et al. in NSTI Nanotech 2004Nanotech 2004 Vol. 1
Technical Proceedings of the 2004 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show (eds M. Laudon & B. Romanowicz) 110-113 (Nano Science & Technology Inst).
53. Dubey, A. et al. in 2004 Ieee International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vols 1- 5, Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation ICRA 1628-1633 (Ieee, 2004).
54. Sharma, G., Badescu, M., Mavroidis, C. & Tomassone, M. S. in ASME. International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Vol. 2 (ed ASME Proceedings | 28th Biennial Mechanisms and Robotics Conference) 1447-1456 (ASME Design Technical Conferences Salt Lake City, Utah, 2004).
55. Shen, Y. Y., Romanski, F. S., Dubey, A., Chester, A. W. & Tomassone, M. S. in Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society Vol. 244 (Philadelphia, PA, 2012).
56. Sokoloff, J. B. & Tomassone, M. S. Effects of defects on friction for a xenon film sliding on a silver(111) surface. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 217, U589-U589 (1999).
Papers Submitted or in Preparation
57. Shen, Y., Shim, J. & Tomassone, M. S. Effect of Shaker’s geometry on Brazil Nut Effect and Reverse Brazil Nut Effect. Nature Scientific Reports To be submitted (2018).
58. Shen, Y., Vishnykov, A. & Tomassone, M. S. Molecular dynamics studies on the dispersion of silica nanoparticle in polyethylene melt. Journal of Chemical Physics To be submitted (2018).
59. Smith, K. B. Resilient Graphene Based Foams”. Catalysis Today To be submitted (2018).
60. Winkler, J. S., Clark, M. D. & Tomassone, M. S. Thermodynamic Model For the Prediction of Janus Particle Morphology. Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids To be submitted (2018).
61. Winkler, J. S., Romanski, F. S. & Tomassone, M. S. Effect of Surfactant and Solvent Properties on the Formation of Pharmaceutical Nanosuspensions by Emulsion Diffusion. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Submitted (2018).
62. Winkler, J. S. & Tomassone, M. S. Dual Drug Delivery and Controlled Release from Biodegradable Janus Particles. Journal of Contr. Release To be submitted. (2018).