My research is focused in the fields of nanoscience, nanotechnology, pharmaceutical nanotechnology and a more macroscopic area centered in the flow and particulate interactions of granular materials. Specifically, my research program has involved the development of various nanomaterial platforms for drug delivery; investigation of their properties; and demonstration of their potential applications in pharmaceutical and (nano)medical applications. My research works can be divided into the following three thrust areas, which fit under a broader goal of understanding particle-particle and particle-fluid interactions across atomistic, molecular, particle, and macroscopic scales:
(i) Development of pharmaceutical nanomaterials for controlled drug delivery to targeted cells/tissues.
(ii) Investigation of atomistic and mesoscale simulations of various nanomaterials in biological and catalytic systems, cells with proteins and drug particles interacting with surfactant and polymers.
(iii) Particulate flow of granular materials for pharmaceutical and catalysis applications